A&D Construction (Services) Ltd

As part of our business we have a small construction firm, A&D Construction Services. Together we work with our clients to try and take the pressure out of the build process, 'having the builders in' can be a very stressful time, we pride ourselves on our ability to make the job run smoothly and within budget. We love a challenge and excel at problem solving, trying to help our clients rather than using problems to charge 'extras'.

Being a very small building company there is always an experienced responsible person on site, ensuring one point of contact at all times, if you need to talk about an aspect of the job there will always be someone on site that you can see.

If you want to pursue this option it can work well as it takes the responsibility away from you, the client. The benefits are the smooth running of the job, good communications, technical back up and most of all the removal of stress.

Below are a few examples of projects that we have worked on together.